NFC (Near Field Communication) Technology
Specially designed and distinct spots (“TAP HERE” singed) on products, communication materials or other interior or exterior surfaces (packages, labels, leaflets, posters, etc.) incorporate a unique programmed micro-chip (NFC), where the user approaching close or touching his mobile phone lightly (Taps) on the district “NFC-TAP HERE” symbol, receives immediately and automatically the relevant information or offer for that product or service.
Through Tapping with the mobile device, the user is transferred instantly and automatically to the information, instructions or offer through selected/planned web links, video … that we choose, via WiFi or Mobile Data.
Interactive capabilities and information choices are design-infinite, programmable, and all are automatically stored on the user’s device, making them easy to use instantly, store and recall any time.
A specially configured electronic data and insights platform is automatically updated in real time for all user actions in relation to products and offers, offering detailed analytics and utilization of the system and offers.
It is very important that the user of the mobile device does not need to download any kind of application (app) or register on any site, but makes a simple use of the mobile phone that incorporates the NFC technology.