GREECE ON AIR Preflight Full Interactive e-Magazine GREECE ON AIR Preflight Quarterly is a unique interactive Electronic magazine, published two times a year under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Tourism. It is the high-quality, fully interactive, modern promotion of Greece, Greek Tourism and Greek products. It is the recognized and effective tool [...]
NFC (Near Field Communication) Technology
Rackson Ltd2018-11-14T10:51:09+00:00NFC (Near Field Communication) Technology SMART / WIRELESS CONTACT / INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATION Specially designed and distinct spots (“TAP HERE” singed) on products, communication materials or other interior or exterior surfaces (packages, labels, leaflets, posters, etc.) incorporate a unique programmed micro-chip (NFC), where the user approaching close or touching his mobile phone lightly (Taps) on the [...]
BEACON (Nearby) Proximity Technology
Rackson Ltd2018-10-28T22:19:14+00:00BEACON (Nearby) Proximity Τechnology REMOTE / WIRELESS / AUTOMATIC / PUSH NOTIFICATIONS / SECURE CONTACT / COMMUNICATION A small, rugged device (Beacon) is safely positioned at studied points of outdoor or indoor spaces (shops, public spaces, mass stations etc.), acts as a push notifications transmitter in a nearby perimeter from the point of installation [...]